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Image banner for the November 2023 PFRE Photographer of the Month Winner Javier Sotomayor, with a featured image of his winning photo titled "Open"

Congratulations to Javier Sotomayor, November 2023 PFRE Photographer of the Month! The theme this month was "Open." Javier Sotomayor - Entry #879 Dave Koch - Entry #877 Peter Wingfield - Entry #874 Here's what Javier has to say: Hello First of all I wa ...



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Announcement: The Art and Science of Great Composition Video Tutorial by Tony Colangelo

Published: 05/06/2019

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I am so excited to officially announce a brand new video tutorial from Tony Colangelo, a long-time contributor to PFRE and one of the most respected people in my community. Over the years, many people have benefited from Tony's advice on the PFRE Flickr group and especially, from his in-depth comments made as a juror in PFRE's Photographer of the Month contest.

One of the things that Tony is best known for are his compositions and this is exactly what his video is all about. There is nothing out there like this tutorial and The Art & Science of Great Composition is going to be an excellent resource to my community for a long time!

There are over 2.5 hours of content and not a single minute is wasted. In this day and age of people taking twenty minutes to say what could be said in two, Tony cuts straight to the point and I've found myself pausing the tutorial constantly to make notes and reflect on the points he so effectively communicates.

As some of you may know, I reached out to Tony to be my coach a number of years ago and to say it was a life-altering experience would be an understatement. In our time working together, everything in my photography business has changed for the better. It all started in my first coaching session where I heard Tony's approach to composition for the first time.

He stressed the importance of understanding the psychology at play for the person looking at my photos and how it helped them decide if they liked them. Applying this understanding has improved my compositions immediately. He's also shared many subtle points related to composition that, when I applied them, would often take my photos over the top!

I know that Tony's approach has helped many others too. In fact, of the 49 Photographer of the Month contests that have taken place since my first win in April, 2015, Tony's coaching clients have won 19 of them; including four of the five contests held so far this year!

Here are a few words from Tony regarding his tutorial:

Improving your compositions is the best and quickest way to take your photography to the next level. My video tutorial does a deep dive on examining the core principles and theories behind what actually makes a great composition and thus, a great image. Using the information and methods described in this tutorial will allow you to consistently create images that will more deeply impact your clients–regardless of whether they’re real estate agents, interior designers, or architects. I'm confident that this tutorial will allow you to:

  • understand why a viewer judges a photograph positively (or negatively).
  • apply an easy to follow, step-by-step approach that leverages this understanding, to get you consistently strong and compelling compositions.
  • achieve next-level results by applying nuanced composition tactics.
  • distinguish yourself by delivering images that will likely look and feel different than those delivered by many of your competitors.
  • know how to get “unstuck” when a composition doesn’t "feel right."
  • understand why lighting augments great composition.

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Brandon Cooper

14 comments on “Announcement: The Art and Science of Great Composition Video Tutorial by Tony Colangelo”

  1. I've seen it. It's high-quality material, exceptionally presented, and WAY more valuable than the price you'll pay for it! This material was some of the most impactful stuff that Tony and I worked on in our one-on-one coaching. Wrapping your head around the concepts Tony presents here (and putting them into daily practice!) will advance your craft without having to invest a dime in any fancy new gear. At the risk of sounding like an infomercial (but wait..... there's MORE!!!....), buy this. Watch it over and over again. Take notes. Do the work. Your images will start to get better. That's what I was trying to say in that video testimonial I stubbled through on Tony's "Order Now" page.

  2. I'm excited about this! I would just like to know for what level of photography is directed. Is it for beginners? It would be great if you could upload an extract of 5 minutes talking about a particular photograph to know what we are buying. I think that with Garey's tutorial you did something like that, or at least Garey has a few videos on his YouTube channel.

    Passively, Tony has helped me a lot with the comments he makes about the photographs of the Flickr group or the monthly contest. About the images that are discussed in the tutorials, are they the level of the monthly winners? Or are they beginner-level photographs that many of us here would know can be improved?

    Thank you very much for creating these materials. I wish you much success with the tutorial!

  3. Sergio - Tony's tutorial is for all levels of photographers. I can say with confidence that it doesn't matter if you are just starting out or have been doing this for years you will benefit from this tutorial. Just like I have.

  4. @ Mike - thanks so much (again!), bud
    @ Sergio - What Kerry said is quite accurate.
    @ Kerry - Thanks for taking the time to clarify Sergio's comment!
    @ Brian - Hey bud, it's been a long time! Hope you do sign up! 🙂

  5. Buy Tony’s course. Period.

    I’ve worked with Tony as a coach and improved my photography and business by a factor of 3X.

    This video spends a good deal of time on why my photos are now better, my clients are happier and I’m now shooting more architectural work at 10X the fee I used to get from listing agents.

    What I love is I can watch, and re-watch any time I need to refresh Tony’s compositional wisdom. I’ve re-read my notes from our coaching sessions, but it’s not the same as hearing and SEEING the concepts again.

    The $85 is an incredible value. Buy it today and start watching immediately. Investing in your composition skills will pay off for the rest of your career.

    This is not a paid advertisement. Tony didn’t know I wrote it.

  6. @ Sergio - Thanks Sergio, I'm glad you're in! 🙂

    @ Jack - Thank you so much for your very kind and gracious testimonial. Yes, it was such a pleasure to work with you in our coaching process and I'm so pleased to hear that you're doing more architectural shooting. That's wonderful--I know that was your goal all along! Anyway, thanks again, Jack, I'm wishing you continued success!

  7. Tony's video is an insightful and enlightening analysis of composition. It may be the best information I didn't know I needed. I've frequently struggled with composition, nailing it occasionally...but not exactly understanding the science behind why. I am not a beginner, having shot real estate for 16 years (as a profession for over 13 years). I wish I would have had it 16 years and thousands of houses ago. Since watching the tutorial, I now see "lines" running throughout the room that I didn't see before, and it has changed how I see the room and setup the shot. I have been implementing the strategies for the last several shoots and am so happy with the improvements. After delivery of photos for a regular client/stager just yesterday, I received a text... "gorgeous photos." I've shot for her at least 50 times and don't remember her doing that before. Coincidence? The tutorial was worth many times the price paid.

  8. @ Brian - Thanks SO much for that wonderful testimonial, Brian ... it means a lot to me! I'm delighted to hear that, even as a very experienced shooter, you got so much value from the tutorial and the improvements came so quickly. I was even more pleased to hear that you got a compliment from a long-term client who was pleased with your new look. Keep it going, bud! 🙂 Thanks again!

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